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Thyroid Problems & Disease: Types and Causes
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February 2024


Thyroid Problems & Disease: Types and Causes

Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction

Thyroid dysfunction is a common endocrine disorder worldwide. The prevalence varies across different populations and regions.

2 billion people or 30% of the world’s population are still at risk of iodine deficiency

20 million Americans are estimated to have some form of thyroid disease according to the American Thyroid Association

60% of people with thyroid dysfunction are unaware of their condition.


Diseases and Conditions Related to Thyroid Dysfunction



Thyroid diseases are unique in their diagnosis, treatment, and visibility. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for effective management. The five most important thyroid diseases include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter/iodine deficiency disorders, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and thyroid cancer.

Ø  Hypothyroidism (low production of thyroid hormone): It can affect individuals of all ages. Congenital hypothyroidism needs early diagnosis and therapy to prevent brain damage.

Ø  Hyperthyroidism (increased production of thyroid hormone): It occurs due to overactive thyroid gland functioning, which accelerates the metabolism of the body.

Ø  Goiter (Enlarged thyroid gland, may/may not be associated with thyroid functional change): Recent research established a link between iodine deficiency and endemic goiter, especially in the Himalayan regions. Iodine deficiency was shown to be associated with hypothyroidism in neonates.

Ø  Hashimoto's thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's disease) – an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune cells attack the thyroid gland): An Indian study found that among girls with a goiter, 7.5% had juvenile autoimmune thyroiditis (which includes Hashimoto's thyroiditis).

Ø  Thyroid cancer: A disorder in which malignant (cancer) cells develop in thyroid gland tissues. Thyroid nodules are frequent; however, they are not always cancerous. There are several forms of thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer risk can be influenced by age, gender, and radiation exposure.

First Signs of Thyroid Disease

A person with thyroid disease may not immediately experience all the symptoms about thyroid diseases. The first signs of thyroid disease that should prompt a visit to a healthcare provider include:

v  Fatigue

v  Weight gain or loss without diet or exercise changes

v  A slowed or increased heart rate

v  Increased sensitivity to temperature


Tips to Prevent Thyroid Disease

There are a few tips to prevent thyroid disease. They include adopting various lifestyle factors and behaviors, such as:


Ø  Maintaining a healthy diet with sufficient iodine, selenium, and iron intake

Ø  Avoiding smoking

Ø  Abstaining from excessive alcohol consumption

Ø  Managing stress

Ø  Getting enough sound sleep, and

Ø  Practicing safe sun exposure to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

Ø  Additionally, regular check-ups and monitoring of thyroid function are important for the early detection and treatment of any potential thyroid disorders.


Guidelines on Thyroid Disease

Guidelines on thyroid disease provide comprehensive and detailed recommendations on the management of different thyroid diseases of all age groups. Here we'd like to share with you the latest guidelines on thyroid disease. Adhering to the latest clinical guidelines and expert consensus, let's deepen our comprehension of thyroid dysfunction and enhance the quality of healthcare together!



Getein’s Solution



Epidemiological studies indicate that 1% of men and 5% of women have clinically detectable thyroid nodules and that the prevalence rises with age and in iodine-deficient communities. Therefore, timely detection and screening of thyroid disease is particularly important. And Getein also provides very comprehensive detection items, including T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH, TG-Ab, TPO-Ab, TG, Anti-TSHR, CT, TMAb. With these test items on Magicl 6000/6000i, our fully automatic chemiluminescence analyzers with excellent performance, high detection speed and accurate detection results are guaranteed.

Getein is always ready to provide with better healthcare by your side.


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